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. 2019 Apr 1;4(6):914–924. doi: 10.1038/s41564-019-0421-x

Table 1.

Examples of RNA viral antagonism upstream of IFN induction

Viral family Virus Proposed mechanism of evasion upstream of IFN signalling References
Flaviviridae DENV, WNV, ZIKV and JEV Viral protease NS2B3 cleaves STING 14, 91,118
Flaviviridae YFV Viral protein NS4B interacts with STING 124
Flaviviridae HCV Viral protein NS4B interacts with and disrupts STING signalling complexes 125,126
Coronaviridae HCoV-NL63 Viral protein PLP2–TM interacts with and disrupts STING signalling complexes 127,128
Coronaviridae PEDV Viral protein PLP2 interacts with and disrupts polyubiquitination of STING 129
Coronaviridae SARS-CoV Viral protein Plpro–TM interacts with and disrupts STING signalling complexes 127, 128,130
Flaviviridae HCV Viral protease NS34A cleaves MAVS 131,132
Picornaviridae HAV Viral protease precursor 3ABC cleaves MAVS 133
Flaviviridae DENV Viral protease NS2B3 cleaves MAVS 134
Flaviviridae HCV Viral protease NS34A cleaves TRIF 135
Picornaviridae HAV Viral protease intermediate cleaves TRIF 136
Arteriviridae and Bunyaviridae Arterivirus and nairovirus Viral protease deubiquinates RIG-I 137
Arenaviridae Arena virus synthetic molecules Viral 5’ppp overhangs act as RIG-I decoy 138
Arenaviridae GTOV, JUNV, MAVC and SABV Viral Z protein binds to and inhibits RIG-I 139
Paramyxoviridae hPIV5 Viral V protein binds LGP2, cooperatively inhibiting induction by RIG-I ligands 140
Reoviridae Synthetic reovirus RNA mimics Synthetic particles trigger RIG-I; virus trims 5’ppp for innate immune evasion 141
Orthomyxoviridae IAV Viral protein NS1 binds RIG-I and prevents activation; RIG-I selectively evolved to distinguish self from non-self 142,143
Bornaviridae BDV Viral P protein antagonizes TBK1 144
Bunyaviridae SFTSV Viral protein NSs sequesters TBK1/IKK-ε 145
Bunyaviridae Hantavirus Dephosphorylation of TBK1/IRF3 146148
Filoviridae Ebola virus Viral protein VP35 sequesters viral RNA 149,150
Togaviridae Sindbis virus Viral protein nsP2 downregulates IFN and minimizes virus visibility 151
Bunyaviridae ANDV Viral NP and GPC proteins inhibit IFN-β induction 152
Bunyaviridae SNV Viral GPC protein inhibits IFN-β induction 152
Bornaviridae BDV Evades detection by genome trimming 153

GTOV, Guanarito virus; JUNV, Junin virus; MAVC, Machupo virus; SABV, Sabia virus; PLP2, papain-like protease 2; TM, transmembrane domain; VP35, virion protein 35; SFTSV, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus; GPC, glycoprotein precursor; PEDV, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus; Plpro, papain-like protease; 3ABC, stable intermediate product of HAV polyprotein processing including viral proteins 3A, 3B and 3C; nsP2, non-structural protein 2; NP, nucleocapsid protein.