Figure 3.
Application of NAGA to Schizophrenia
(A) Top 100 prioritized genes after network propagation of a schizophrenia GWAS dataset. Genes in the gold standard are represented by turquoise bars, whereas newly implicated genes are represented by red bars.
(B) Subnetwork associated with hottest network propagation scores. Subnetwork is visualized with the initial association scores mapped to node colors, with darker red corresponding to stronger association. Previously implicated schizophrenia genes appear as squares, and newly implicated genes appear as circles.
(C) Integrated Genomics Viewer (IGV) screenshot showing the genomic locus of APP, the second highest scoring gene from (A). IGV displays the log 10 p-value of association. APP contains SNPs that, before network propagation, achieve nominal but not global statistical significance of association.