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. 2019 May 30;123:1–144. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.123.31738
1 Corolla to 20 mm in diameter; anthers more than 3 mm long (rarely slightly less); fruiting pedicels 15–17 mm long, strongly deflexed; cloud forests S. macrotonum
Corolla always less than 20 mm in diameter; anthers 1.5–2.7 mm long; fruiting pedicels usually less than 15 mm, deflexed (not strongly so) or spreading; many habitat types 2
2 Anthers 1.2–1.5 mm long, almost globose; berry very shiny; widespread S. americanum
Anthers more than 2 mm long, ellipsoid; berry matte or somewhat shiny, not very shiny; southeastern United States of America and the Caribbean 3
3 Stone cells absent in mature berries; calyx lobes obovate; styles exserted to 2.5 mm beyond the anther cone at anthesis; coastal dunes in southeastern United States of America S. pseudogracile
Stone cells (2)6–8 (or more) in each mature berry; calyx lobes deltate to broadly deltate; style exserted ca. 1 mm beyond the anther cone at anthesis; many forest and open habitats throughout the Caribbean S. nigrescens