Fig. 1.
Phenotypic interference. Phenotypic interference is an evolutionary mode of multiple quantitative traits under genetic linkage with the following features: a Local evolution. Individual traits G change by mutations (red arrows) with mean square selection coefficient s2 set by the slope of the fitness landscape f(G). In housekeeping equilibrium, the traits have detailed balance between beneficial and deleterious substitutions30. b Global evolution proceeds in a fitness wave, i.e., multiple genetic and phenotypic variants co-exist in a population5,7–9,11–13. The wave is fueled by new beneficial mutation at its tip (red arrows). It has fitness variance σ2 and a total fitness span with a factor c depending weakly on the population size (see Methods section). By Fisher’s theorem, these quantities determine the coalescence rate (see Methods section). Its inverse is the coalescence time (i.e., the average time to the most recent common ancestor of two individuals), which is proportional to the effective population size, (red bar)13,14. In housekeeping equilibrium, the selective advance (light gray) is offset by deleterious mutations, i.e., there is no net (local or global) change in fitness12,77 (dark gray). Feedback between global and local evolution: the global coalescence rate sets selection on individual traits, (Eq. 3). The wave complexity, measured by the number of simultaneously segregating beneficial trait mutations destined for fixation, is of order (Eq. 21). c Superlinear load. The genetic load depends quadratically on the number of genes, g, over a broad range (red line, see text). This load is substantially higher than the load under asexual evolution with discrete gene fitness effects (blue) and under of recombination (brown)