Fig. 1.
Distribution of Lm CCs in food and clinical sources. A total of 6641 non-redundant Lm isolates collected between January 2005 and May 2016 by the National Reference Center for Listeria in the context of the epidemiological surveillance of listeriosis in France are represented in the figure. Percentages and numbers of food and clinical isolates per MLST clone are shown. Major CCs that represent individually at least 0.5% of all the isolates of the study are shown, representing in total 94.1% of all isolates. a, b Clinical isolates are represented in dark colors and food isolates in light colors per clone. a Clones are sorted by percentage of clinical isolates. The color gradient is set according to the clinical frequencies of the clones (red, high clinical frequencies; blue, low clinical frequencies). Colors defined in this graph are used in all the other figures of the article, where appropriate. b Number of isolates per clone from clinical and food sources are shown with the same ordering than in a