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. 2019 Apr 17;3(6):nzz053. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzz053


Sociodemographic, pregnancy history, and health characteristics of women of reproductive age and their households in Asesewa, Ghana 1

Household sociodemographics
 Own home, % 52.0
 Own agricultural land, % 32.7
 Female head of household, % 19.4
  Participant is head, % 13.3
 Number of adults in household2 2 [2, 4]
  1, % 7.1
  2, % 48.0
  ≥3, % 44.9
 Number of children in household2 1 [0, 3]
  0, % 29.6
  1, % 24.5
  ≥2, % 45.9
 Drinking water source,3 %
  Piped/public tap 42.9
  Sachet 55.1
 Toilet facility, %
  Flush 17.4
  Ventilated improved pit latrine 36.7
  Pit latrine or other 45.9
 Specific place to wash hands, % 17.4
 Has refrigerator/freezer, % 43.9
 Has mosquito net(s), % 82.7
Participant sociodemographics
 Age, y 26.5 ± 5.1
 Education,4 y 9 [8, 12]
 Married,5 % 38.8
 Generates income, % 70.4
Pregnancy history, %
  0 46.9
  1 26.5
  ≥2 26.5
 Spontaneous miscarriage (≥1) 19.3
 Induced abortion (≥1) 24.6
Self-reported health history, %
 Anemia 14.3
 Malaria 55.1
 High blood pressure 3.1
 Other heart problems 9.2
 Night blindness 15.3
Measured health markers
 Height,6 cm 160.0 ± 6.3
 BMI, kg/m2 23.8 [21.5, 29.0]
  Normal (18.5 to <25.0), % 60.2
  Overweight (25.0 to <30.0), % 21.4
  Obese (≥30.0), % 18.4
 Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 109.5 ± 11.6
 Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 70.2 ± 10.4

Values are percentages for categorical variables, means ± SDs for continuous variables with a normal distribution, or medians [IQRs] for continuous variables with a nonnormal distribution; n = 98.


Highest number of adults and children reported in household was 7 and 8, respectively.


Two women reported “tube well/borehole.”


Six women reported 0 y of schooling; 11 women reported completing senior secondary school; no one reported completing higher education (university or polytechnics).


Although few women reported being “married,” 96 women reported being in a committed relationship; “customary marriage” is the most common/traditional union in Ghana but is often not called “marriage.”


Minimum and maximum were 141 cm and 176 cm, respectively.