Light Intensity and Response Properties of wt-CoChR and Its Two Mutants, CoChR-LC and CoChR-3M, in HEK Cells
(A) Representative light-evoked current traces in voltage-clamp recordings. The currents were evoked by 1-s light pulses at 480 nm with incrementally increasing light intensities measured as photons/cm2s. The red current traces were elicited by light with an intensity of 3.7 × 1015 photons/cm2s. (B and C) The light intensity and current response relationships were measured at the peak (B) and plateau (C) currents. (D) Representative current decay traces elicited by a 10-ms light pulse at the light intensity of 8.9 × 1017 photons/cm2s were used to compare the deactivation kinetics. (E) Average values for deactivation time constants or off rates. The off rates were obtained by fitting a single exponential function to the decaying phase of the currents. (F) Average peak currents elicited at the light intensity of 3.7 × 1015 photons/cm2s. (G) Plot of the current amplitudes and the off rates. The current amplitudes and off rates for CoChRs exhibit a linear correlation. All data are presented as means ± SD (n = 10 cells).