Common covariates
Age and age‐squared
Beneficiary's classification on the Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System
If the beneficiary was continuously enrolled (with less than 1‐month gap) during the year
Number of months the beneficiary was enrolled in Medicaid during the year
County‐level federal poverty level, median age, and uninsured rate
Metropolitan status of the beneficiary's county
County‐level hospital beds, physicians per capita, and community mental health centers per capita
Age and age‐squared
Disability by age group (adult/child disabled)
Beneficiary's classification on the Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System
If the beneficiary was continuously enrolled (with less than 1‐month gap) during the year
Whether the beneficiary was enrolled for at least 9 months in the previous year
County‐level federal poverty level and median age
Metropolitan status of the beneficiary's county
County‐level hospital beds
Age category (<1, 1 to 18, 19 to 64, 65‐plus)
Beneficiary's classification on the Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System
Number of months beneficiary was Medicaid eligible during the year (minimum of 10)
If beneficiary was continuously enrolled 10 or more months in previous year
County‐level federal poverty level
Model‐specific covariatesa
Race (nonwhite and missing race)
Medicare/Medicaid enrollee
If the beneficiary had full Medicaid benefits during the year
If the beneficiary was enrolled in the ACO at some point in both test years
Method of attribution to the ACO or the comparison group, ie, whether the beneficiary was enrolled in the ACO or the comparison group because he or she had a majority of visits to a primary care provider, because he or she was enrolled in an HH, or because he or she had a majority of visits to an emergency department
Beneficiary's participation in the Chronic Care Initiativeb
Attribution method of beneficiary (claims‐based or choice/autoassigned)
If beneficiary was attributed to a Vermont Blueprint for Health medical home
If beneficiary was eligible through Medicaid expansion
Maine BHH |
Common covariates
Age category (<1, 1 to 18, 19 to 64, 65‐plus)+
Beneficiary's classification on the Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System
If the beneficiary was continuously enrolled (with less than 1‐month gap) during the year
Number of months the beneficiary was enrolled in Medicaid during the year
County‐level federal poverty level, median age, and uninsured rate
Metropolitan status of the beneficiary's county
County‐level hospital beds, physicians, and community mental health centers per capita
Model‐specific covariates
Race (nonwhite and missing race)
Medicare/Medicaid enrollee
If the beneficiary had full Medicaid benefits during the year
If the beneficiary was enrolled in the BHH at some point in both test years