Schematics summarizing the rostral extent of the anatomical boundary of the claustrum in the rat. Expression of parvalbumin, crystallin mu, and Gng2, along with anterograde and retrograde tracing of claustro-cortical connectivity, and retrograde tracing of corticothalamic connectivity provided highly complementary definitions of the boundary outlined in (A,B). (A) 3-dimensional representation of parvalbumin expression (red) in the ventral claustrum from caudal striatal (CPu) anterior-posterior levels (front) to rostral levels anterior to the striatum (back). Note the change in orientation of the long axis of the claustrum as it follows the arch of the forceps minor of the corpus callosum (fm) and the external capsule (ec). (B) Pixel density-based heatmaps (warm colors represent high expression) of parvalbumin expression in sections anterior to the striatum (upper) and at the level of the striatum (lower), reinforcing the extent and continuity of the claustrum rostral to the striatum. acc, nucleus accumbens; Ins, insular cortex.