(A-C) Percentage of trials showing pup grooming and infanticidal behavior (A), average durations of different behaviors during stimulation epochs (B), and average onset latency of different behaviors following initiation of stimulation (C) in virgin males at different photostimulation intensities.
(D-F) Percentage of trials showing pup grooming, retrieval, and crouching (D), average duration of pup grooming, retrieval, and crouching during stimulation epochs (E), and average onset latency of pup grooming, retrieval, and crouching following initiation of stimulation (F) in virgin females at different stimulation intensities. Trials where no behavior was observed during the stimulation epoch were considered as a latency of 15 seconds, the duration of stimulation.
ChR2 males: 0–1 mW/mm2, n = 35 trials; 1–2.5 mW/mm2, n = 4; >2.5 mW/mm2, n = 5; ChR2 females: 0–1 mW/mm2, n = 27; 1–2.5 mW/mm2, n =14; >2.5 mW/mm2, n = 41 (n ≥ 5 mice for each group). Mean ± SEM; one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Wilcoxon rank-sum with Bonferroni correction. n.s. not significant, *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001.
See also Figure S4.