Figure 3. Pan2 contacts the ribophosphate backbone of poly(A) RNA.
a, Crystal structure of Pan2UCH-Exo E912A (cartoon, blue) bound to A7 RNA (sticks, green). Unmodeled loops are represented by dashed lines. Inset: close-up view of the Pan2 exonuclease active site. The electron density represents a feature-enhanced map contoured to 1.3σ. Nucleotides are numbered relative to the scissile bond, which is indicated by an arrow. b, The electron density for the scissile phosphate bond and A7 substrate are shown in the Pan2 active site. The mesh represents electron density from a feature-enhanced map contoured to 1.8σ. c-d, Protein-RNA interactions between Pan2UCH-Exo E912A and oligo(A). Putative hydrogen bonds are indicated by dashed lines and interatomic distances are labeled in Ångstroms. e, Surface representation of Pan2UCH-Exo E912A (blue) bound to A7 (green). Pan2UCH-Exo E912A is colored by proximity to A7 from dark (<3 Å) to light (>7 Å) blue.