Table 2.
Family ID | Mutation | Sex of proband | Phenotype proband (age Dx) | Tumor type | IHC | Familial history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer (age Dx) | Other cancers in the family (age Dx) |
147 | Exon5-7dup | Female | 43 | IDC | ER−/PR−/HER2- | S OC (48) | None |
10 | Exon13-14dup | Female | 29 | MpBC | ER−/PR−/HER2- | M BC(57), PGM BC | None |
213 | Exon13-14dup | female | 33 | IDC | ER+/PR−/HER2- | PA OC(53) and BC(56), MGM BC (52) | None |
113 | Exon1-22del | Female | 45 (R), 50 (L) | BMC (R), IDC (L) |
R: ER−/PR−/HER2+ L: NA |
S BC (42) and OC (45) | F EC (71), MU BlaC (71), MB Leu |
203 | Exon1–24(part)del | Female | 39 | MBC | ER−/PR−/HER2- | M BC (50), MS BC (43) | None |
LGRs Large genomic rearrangements, Dx diagnosis, IHC immunohistochemistry, dup duplication, del deletion, R right, L left, MpBC micropapillary breast cancer, BMC breast mucinous carcinoma, IDC invasive ductal carcinoma, MBC medullary breast carcinoma, BC breast cancer, OC ovarian cancer, EC esophageal carcinoma, BlaC bladder carcinoma, Leu leukemia, M mother, PGM paternal grandmother, S sister, MS maternal sister, PA paternal aunt, MGM maternal grandmother, F father, MU maternal uncle, MB maternal brother