Table 2.
Outcomes between the HFNC and NIV groups
Outcomes | HFNC(n=39) | NIV(n=43) | P-value |
Treatment failure, n(%) | 11(28.2) | 17(39.5) | 0.268 |
Invasive ventilation, n(%) | 8(20.5) | 9(20.9) | 1.0 |
Treatment switch, n(%) | 3(7.7) | 8(18.6) | 0.148 |
28-day mortality, n(%) | 6(15.4) | 6(14.0) | 0.824 |
Airway care interventions,/day* | 5(4–7) | 8(7–10) | <0.001 |
Duration of device application, hours* | 16.0±3.9 | 11.7±3.1 | <0.001 |
Respiratory frequency,/min # | 22.3±3.1 | 23.5±2.9 | 0.064 |
PaCO2, mm Hg# | 51(48–56) | 49(46–52) | 0.078 |
PaO2/FiO2, mm Hg # | 179(172–192) | 187(174–207) | 0.083 |
Respiratory support duration, days | 5(4–7) | 6(5–8) | 0.148 |
Nasal facial skin breakdown after treatment, n(%) | 2(5.1) | 9(20.9) | 0.036 |
Length of stay in ICU, days | 7(6–8) | 8(6–10) | 0.149 |
Length of stay in hospital, days | 9(7–11) | 10(7–12) | 0.207 |
Notes: *Within the first 24 hrs after enrollment; #after 24 hrs after enrollment. Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation, number (%) patients, or median (interquartile range).
Abbreviations: HFNC, High flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy; NIV, Non-invasive ventilation; PaCO2, arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure; PaO2, arterial oxygen partial pressure; ICU, intensive care unit.