Overexpression of yciF suppresses the bile sensitivity of ΔcspE
Quantification of kinetic growth determined in terms of log10 (CFU/ml) values of WT and ΔcspE with the following vectors: VA, pcspE, pcspE-F30V, and pyciF grown with and without 3% bile salts. Values are represented as mean ± S.E. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA, and the different comparisons have been represented using the following symbols: #, p < 0.001. Comparison of each strain treated with 3% bile salts with respect to WT/VA grown in 3% bile salts is shown. a, p < 0.0001; b, p < 0.01. Comparison of each strain grown in 3% bile salts with respect to ΔcspE/VA grown in 3% bile salts is shown.