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. 2019 Mar 22;33(6):964–979. doi: 10.1177/0269215519836461

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

Primary author (year) Study design and country/setting Participants Intervention and dosage Control and dosage Outcome measures Global quality rating
Aruin (2012)46 RCT; USA/NR • n = 18 (9 exp/9 con)
• Age = 35–75 years
• Time since stroke = 1.1–14.1 years
Compelled body weight shift (0.6 cm shoe lift in unaffected foot) + CPT
All days, 6 weeks
1 hour, 1×/week
• %BW on affected side
• 10MWT gait velocity
Follow-up = 3 months
Cordo (2009)39 Pretest–posttest; USA/community • n = 12a
• Age = 38–75 years
• Time since stroke = 1.9–15.6 years
Assisted Movement with Enhanced Sensation robotic treatment (cycled at 5°/second through ±17.5°) + electromyography feedback on affected ankle
30 minutes/day, 6 months
NA • Days to 90% recovery of JPS and ankle strength
• %BW on affected side
• Gait velocity, cadence, and stride length
Follow-up = 6 months
Da Silva Ribeiro (2015)51 RCT; Brazil/NR • n = 30 (15 exp/15 con)
• Age = 18–60 years
• Time since stroke = mean 42.1 months (exp), 60.4 months (con)
Nintendo Wii virtual rehab
60 minutes, 2×/week, 2 months
60 minutes, 2×/week, 2 months
• FMA-LE (sensation, balance, leg motor, and leg coordination subscores)
No follow-up
Han (2013)40 CCT; Korea/inpatient rehab • n = 62 (31 exp/31 con)
• Mean age = 56.1 years (exp), 56.6 years (con)
• Time since stroke = mean 15.2 months (exp), 16.1 months (con)
Unstable surface (proprioceptive sense) exercise underwater
40 minutes, 3×/week, 6 weeks
Unstable surface exercise on land 40 minutes, 3×/week, 6 weeks • JPS error (Biodex electrogoniometer)
• Postural sway area EO and EC
No follow-up
Hillier (2006)23 Single-case, repeated measures; Australia/NR • n = 3
• Age = 63–73 years
• Time since stroke = >2 years
Education, detection, localisation, discrimination, recognition, and proprioception training on affected foot
45 minutes/session 3×/week, 2 weeks
NA • SWM light touch
• Postural sway path length
No follow-up
Huzmeli (2017)41 CCT; Turkey/inpatient rehab • n = 26 (13 exp/13 con)
• Age = 45–65 years
• Time since stroke = mean 40.2 months (exp), 20.1 months (con)
Proprioception, localisation, vibration, pressure discrimination, and TENS (parameters not described) on affected posterior thigh + neurodevelopmental rehab
45 minutes/session 10 sessions, 2 weeks
Neurodevelopmental rehab
45 minutes/session 10 sessions, 2 weeks
• SWM light touch
• 2-point discrimination
• Heat/cold senses
• Barthel Index
Follow-up = 2 weeks
Kwon (2013)52 RCT; Korea/NR • n = 45
• (RPM 15/RAM 15/Con 15)
•Mean age = 58.7 years (RPM), 61.2 years (RAM), 63.3 years (con)
• Time since stroke = mean 10.1 months (RPM), 10.6 months (RAM), 10.9 months (con)
RPM or RAM exercises on affected leg; angle speed 120°/second; 10°–100°
15 minutes in total, 3 sets of 60 repetitions
No exercise • Knee JPS error – passive angle repositioning
Knee JPS error – active angle repositioning (Biodex electrogoniometer)
No follow-up
Lee (2015)42 RCT; Korea/inpatient rehab • n = 36 (18 exp/18 con)
• Age = <65 years (n = 28), ≥65 years (n = 8)
• Time since stroke = mean 11.5 months (exp), 11.6 months (con)
Motor imagery (5 minutes) + proprioceptive training (25 minutes)
30 minutes/session 5×/week, 8 weeks
Proprioceptive training (30 minutes)
30 minutes/session 5×/week, 8 weeks
• JPS error (Dualer IQ inclinometer)
• Affected/unaffected WB ratio
No follow-up
Lynch (2007)22 RCT; Australia/inpatient rehab • n = 21 (10 exp/11 con)
• Age = 21–82 years
• Time since stroke = 13–122 days
Education, detection, localisation, discrimination, and proprioception on affected big toe and ankle
30 minutes/session 10 sessions, 2 weeks
Relaxation + standing with EC
30 minutes/session 10 sessions, 2 weeks
• SWM light touch
• 10MWT gait velocity
Follow-up = 2 weeks
Mazuchi (2018)47 RCT; Brazil/NR • n = 12
• Age = 40–65 years
• Time since stroke = mean 67.6 months (exp), 56.6 months (con)
Aerobic deep water walking training (stationary gait)
30 minutes/session 1st week (50% heart rate), 40 minutes/session 2nd-9th week (60% heart rate); 5-minute warm-up and 5-minute cool-down; 3×/week; 9 weeks
Aerobic treadmill walking training
30 minutes/session 1st week (50% heart rate), 40 minutes/session 2nd-9th week (60% heart rate); 5-minute warm-up and 5-minute cool-down; 3×/week; 9 weeks
• Knee JPS absolute error (Biodex isokinetic dynamometer)
No follow-up
Mohapatra (2012)38 RCT; USA/inpatient rehab n = 11 (5 exp/6 con)
Mean age = 49.2 years
Time since stroke = 8–13 days (exp), 7–45 days (con)
Compelled body weight shift (0.6 cm shoe lift in unaffected foot) + CPT
90 minutes/session weekdays, 30 minutes/session Saturdays, 6×/week, 2 weeks
90 minutes/session weekdays, 30 minutes/session Saturdays, 6×/week, 2 weeks
• %BW on affected side
• Gait velocity
No follow-up
Moon (2015)43 CCT; Korea/inpatient rehab n = 30 (15 exp/15 con)
Mean age = 55.7 (exp), 50.1 (con)
Time since stroke = mean 33.3 months (exp), 36.0 months (con)
Treadmill training with EC
3 × 10 minutes/session 3×/week, 4 weeks
Treadmill training with EO
3 × 10 minutes/session 3×/week, 4 weeks
• Knee JPS error (Biodex isokinetic dynamometer)
No follow-up
Morioka (2003)44 RCT; Japan/inpatient rehab n = 26 (12 exp/14 con)
Age = 51–79 years
Time since stroke = 31–111 days
Hardness discrimination perceptual learning exercises (3 different levels of rubber sponge hardness) + CPT
10 trials/session 10 sessions, 2 weeks
• Hardness discrimination
• 2-point discrimination
• Postural sway locus length EO and EC
No follow-up
Peurala (2002)45 CCTb; Finland/inpatient rehab n = 59c
(foot 19 exp/0 con; hand 32 exp/8 con)
Mean age = 54.4 years
Time since stroke = 7 months–14 years
TENS (monophasic constant, frequency 50 Hz) using sock electrode on affected foot + CPT
20 minutes/session 2×/day, 3 weeks
NA (no subjects for foot con) • Limb skin sensitivity (VAS)
• SEP to posterior tibial nerve
• 10MWT gait velocity
No follow-up
Tyson (2013)49 Paired-sample randomised cross-over trial; UK/research facility n = 29
Age = 28–82 years
Time since stroke = NR
TENS (biphasic symmetrical, phase duration 50 μs, frequency 70–130 Hz, 5 seconds/cycle) using sock electrode on affected foot;
Not specifiedd
Placebo TENS
Not specifiedd
• Ankle proprioception detection threshold (Biodex isokinetic dynamometer)
• 10MWT gait velocity
• Ankle strength
No follow-up
Zankel (1969)48 CCT; Columbia/NR n = 40e (10 exp/10 con)
Age = 39–79 years
Time since stroke = NR
Vibration (120 cycles/second) on affected sole
30 minutes, 10 stimuli/minute, 1 month
No vibration
• SWM light touch
• 10MWT gait velocity
No follow-up

RCT: randomized controlled trial; CCT: controlled clinical trial; NR: not reported; exp: rehab: rehabilitation; experimental group; con: control group; RPM: repeated passive movement; RAM: repeated active movement; CPT: conventional physiotherapy treatment; TENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; NA: not applicable; EC: eyes closed; EO: eyes open; FMA-LE: Fugl-Meyer Assessment for lower extremity; BBS: Berg Balance Scale; %BW: percentage of body weight; 10MWT: 10-metre walk test; JPS: joint position sense; SWM: Semmes–Weinstein monofilaments; DPT: distal proprioception test; FRT: Functional Reach Test; TUG: Timed Up and Go Test; ILAS: Iowa Level of Assistance Scale; VAS: visual analogue scale; SEP: somatosensory evoked potentials; MMAS: Modified Motor Assessment Scale.


Only outcomes of subjects receiving lower limb treatment were extracted.


Note that there was no control group for the foot.


Only data of the foot were analysed in this review.


Until subjects felt comfortable with the sensation and outcome measures were obtained while stimulated.


Characteristics of 40 recruited subjects were reported in the article, although only 20 subjects were selected for the study.