Fig. 4.
Targeted whole-cell recording confirms SST subtype specificity in neuron-network coupling. a 2-p targeted whole-cell recording in anaesthetised SST-IRES-Cre;Ai14 mice. b Z-projection images of a L2/3 SST IN (Subtype I, SST#19) recorded at 192 μm. c1–c3 Vm Unimodality and low Vm-ECoG cross-correlation persisted in SST Subtype I INs across Vrest and recording conditions. c1 Spontaneous Vm and simultaneously recorded ECoG traces of a Subtype I SST IN (SST#17) under normal Isoflurane anaesthesia. Vrest was highly depolarised at ~−40 mV. Note the Up-Down brain states were prominent in ECoG but NOT Vm, indicating little network influence on this SST IN under our recording conditions. c2, c3 Spontaneous Vm and ECoG traces of Subtype I SST#16 and #19, respectively. Cells were recorded at different depths of Isoflurane anaesthesia, but Vm unimodality and low Vm-ECoG coupling persisted. d Spontaneous Vm and ECoG traces of a Subtype II SST IN (SST#18) recorded at the same anaesthesia depth as c1. Vrest was at ~−70 mV. Note the good Vm-ECoG correspondence, suggesting dominant network influence. Recording depth: 188 μm. Neurons in c1, c3 and d were from the same animal. e Vm skewness ξM of c1 (red) and d (blue) SST INs, note the different Vm distributions. The Pyr neuron (green) in Fig. 1e was re-plotted for comparison. f Spontaneous Vm-ECoG cross-correlation in c1, d . Shade area represented s.e.m. g Vm- ECoG coherence in c1, d. h Separation of Subtype I and II SST INs by Vm skewness ξM. Left: Population ξM of Pyr, SST Subtype I and II neurons. Right: ξM and Vrest in Pyr, Subtype I and II SST INs. SST Subtype I and II can be separated by ξM, and the separation was independent of Vrest and anaesthesia type. In some cells Vrest was slightly adjusted for display purposes. Open and solid symbols represented data acquired under urethane and Isoflurane anaesthesia, respectively. i, j Vm-ECoG cross-correlation and coherence in Subtype I and II SST neurons, respectively. Figure legends were the same for e–j. **p < 0.01, n.s.: not significant. Error bar: s.e.m.