Schematic of stimulus space, data, and adapative stimulus selection method. (A) The stimulus on each trial was a drifting Gabor patch, aligned with the cell’s preferred orientation, whose color varied from trial-to-trial. The axes of this space are the inputs to long (L), medium (M), and short (S) wavelength-sensitive cones. The center of this space represents a neutral gray stimulus with no spectral modulation. (B) Example data for one cell. The stimulus on each trial was uniquely defined by three numbers (cone contrasts for L, M, and S in the upper-diagonal half-cube) and produced a spike count responsemeasured over 667 ms. (C) Schematic of the adaptive stimulus selection procedure. On each trial, we presented stimulus xt and recorded spike response rt. Next, we updated the posterior over the tuning curve g using the full data set collected so far, . Finally, we computed the posterior variance of the tuning curve, , for a grid of points x* spanning the stimulus space, and selected the point with maximal variance as the stimulus for the next trial.