Table 2.
CBRN mass decontamination guidance documents, 2002–2016 included in analysis.
Source | Year | Document |
U.S Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command | 2002 | Guidelines for cold weather mass decontamination during a terrorist chemical agent incident |
Metropolitan Medical Response System | 2003 | Rapid access mass decontamination protocol* |
New Dimension Regional Team | 2003 | National guidance document: Fire Service mass decontamination* |
Home Office | 2004 | The decontamination of people exposed to chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) substances or material (2nd edition)* |
Governor's Office of Emergency Services | 2006 | Multi-casualty mass decontamination guidance for first responders* |
State Government Victoria | 2007 | Decontamination guidance for hospitals* |
Health Protection Agency | 2008 | Generic Incident Management |
HM Government | 2008 | Fire and Rescue Manual. Volume 2: Fire Service Operations. Incident command |
U.S Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center | 2009 | Guidelines for mass casualty decontamination during a HAZMAT/ weapon of mass destruction incident (volume II)* |
National Health Service | 2010 | NHS emergency planning guidance: The ambulance service guidance on dealing with radiological incidents and emergencies |
US Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear School | 2011 | Guidelines for military mass casualty decontamination operations during a domestic hazmat/ weapons of mass destruction incident* |
Department for Communities and Local Government | 2012 | Fire and Rescue Service: Operational guidance incidents involving hazardous materials |
NHS Scotland | 2012 | Guidance for hospitals on surface decontamination of self-presenting persons potentially exposed to hazardous chemical, biological, or radiological substances* |
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center | 2013 | Guidelines for mass casualty decontamination during an HAZMAT/ weapon of mass destruction incident: Volumes I and II* |
Harvard School of Public Health | 2013 | Strategies for first receiver decontamination: A collection of tactics to assist hospitals address common challenges associated with all-hazards decontamination of patients |
Home Office | 2013 | Guidance for the United Kingdom emergency services on decontamination of people exposed to hazardous chemical, biological or radiological substances* |
International Atomic Energy Agency | 2013 | Public decontamination |
National Ambulance Resilience Unit | 2014 | National Ambulance Service CBRNE/ HAZMAT guidance – OFFICIAL |
US Department of Homeland Security | 2014 | Mass chemical exposure incident: National planning guidance for communities |