Immunohistochemistry for hnRNP E2. (A) Weak cytoplasmic staining and stronger nuclear staining is seen in the frontal cortex of a control case (case ID BBN_16256). (B–D) Sections from a FTLD-TDP subtype A case showed numerous perinuclear cytoplasmic neuronal inclusions and frequent dystrophic neurites, mainly in layer 2 of the frontal cortex (B). Similar cytoplasmic inclusions were detected in hippocampal neurons (C) and sparsely in the anterior horn of the spinal cord (D) (case ID BBN_15298). (E–G) In FTLD-TDP subtype C there were frequent long dystrophic neurites in the superficial layers of the frontal cortex (E) and in the hippocampus (F). Within the granular cells of the dentate fascia round intracellular inclusions were seen (G) (case ID BBN_15303). (H) No inclusions were seen in the frontal cortex of the subtype D case (H). Scale bar represents 20 μm in panels (A,B,E); 80 μm in panels (C,D,G); 100 μm in panel (F,H).