Location of the sub-critical size fenestration periodontal defects in the mandibular first molar (A and B) and in the mandibular incisor (C and D). (A) The distal cuspid of the first molar was used as the reference point to locate the frontal plane in correspondence of which the periodontal defect by the mandibular first molar would be created; (B) once the reference frontal plane was identified, the exact location of the defect was recognized by measuring a distance of 1 mm from the most coronal aspect of the alveolar bone; (C) the mesiocoronal surface of the first molar was utilized as the reference point to locate the frontal plane in correspondence of which the periodontal defect by the mandibular incisor would be created; (D) after identifying the reference frontal plane, the periodontal defect was created 1 mm apical to the masseteric ridge.