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. 2019 May 24;7:85. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2019.00085

Table 1.

Drosophila and Mammalian Hippo pathway components.

Drosophila Mammals Conserved domains
Hippo MST1/2 Ste20 Ser/Thr kinase and SARAH domains
Warts LATS1/2 NDR Ser/Thr kinase domain
Salvador WW45/SAV1/WWP4 WW and SARAH
Mats MOBKL1 A and B Cys2-His2 zinc-binding site/Mob1/phocein domain
Yorkie YAP/TAZ WW/PDZ and TEAD binding domain
Scalloped TEAD 1-4 transcription factors TEA/ATTS and Yki/YAP-binding domains
Merlin NF2 FERM domain
Kibra WWC1/WWC2 WW and C2 domains
Expanded FRMD6 or Willin (human expanded) FERM domain
Tao-1 TAO 1-3 Protein kinase domain
Crumbs CRB 1-3 EGF like and Laminin G domains, PDZ and FERM binding motifs
Lethal giant larvae Lethal Giant Larvae 1-2 LGL2 domain
aPKC aPKCλ, aPKCς PKC kinase, PB1 and C1 domains
Mop His domain phosphotyrosine phosphatase (HDPTP) PTP motifs
dJub Ajuba, LIM proteins/LIMD1/WTIP LIM domains
dZyx or Zyx102 Zyxin C-terminal LIM domains
Fat Fat 1-4/Fat-j EGF-like, Laminin G and Cadherin repeat domains
Daschsous Dchs ½ Cadherin repeat domain
Disk overgrown CK1δ, CK1𝜀 Ser/Thr kinase domain
Low fat Lix1, Lix1L Unknown
Scribble Scribble PDZ domains
Disks large Disks Large L27/PDZ/SH3 domains
dMnt Mad Basic helix-loop-helix-zipper, Sin-interacting domain
Homothorax MEIS1 HM (Homothorax-Meis) domain and homeodomain
Tea-shirt TSH3 Zinc finger domain
Pat J PAT J Common L27 domain
Par 1/6 PAR1/6 PDZ domains
dRASSF RASSF1-6 Ras association and SARAH domains
Stardust PALS-1/Mpp5 L27/PDZ/SH3 domain and guanylate kinase like domain
Tgi VGLL4 TDU domains
dSTRIPAK PP2A STRIPAK PP2A PP2A Ser/Thr phosphatase complex