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. 2019 May 28;2019:1891569. doi: 10.1155/2019/1891569

Table 12.

Online applications for diagnostic tests: characteristics.

Name Input Output
Diagnostic test calculatora TP, FP, TN, FN
Prevalence AND Se AND Sp AND sample size
Prevalence AND PLR AND NLR AND sample size
Fagan diagram

Diagnostic test calculator evidence-based medicine toolkitb TP, FP, TN, FN Se, Sp, PPV, NPV, PLR, NLR with associated 95% confidence intervals
Posttest probability graph

MedCalc: Bayesian analysis modelc Prevalence AND Se AND Sp
PPV, NPV, LPR, NLR, posttest probability

MedCalcd TP, FP, TN, FN Se, Sp, PPV, NPV, PLR, NLR, prevalence, AI with associated 95% confidence intervals

Clinical calculator 1e TP, FP, TN, FN Se, Sp, PPV, NPV, PLR, NLR, prevalence, AI with associated 95% confidence intervals

Clinical utility index calculatorf TP, TN, total number of cases, the total number of noncases Se, Sp, PPV, NPV, PLR, NLR, prevalence, AI with associated 95% confidence intervals

DiagnosticTestg Number of positive and negative gold standard results for each level of the new diagnostic test Se, Sp, PPV, NPV, PLR, NLR, AI, DOR, Cohen's kappa, entropy reduction, and a bias Index ROC curve if > 2 levels for all possible cutoff

Simple ROC curve analysish Absolute frequencies for false positive and the true positive for up to ten diagnostic levels Cumulative rates (false positive and true positive) and ROC curve (equation, R2, and AUC)

ROC analysisi Five different type of input data: an example for each type is provided Se, Sp, AI, positive cases missed, negative cases missed, AUC, ROC curve

AUSVET: EpiToolsj TP, FP, TN, FN Different tools from basic accuracy to comparison of two diagnostic tests to ROC analysis

All URLs were retrieved on April 20, 2019. TP = true positive; FP = false positive; FN = false negative; TN = true negative; Se = sensitivity; Sp = specificity; AI = accuracy index; PPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value; PLR = positive likelihood ratio; NLR = negative likelihood ratio; DOR = diagnostic odds ratio; ROC = receiver operating characteristic; AUC = area under the ROC curve; a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i; and j