Figure 3. Effect of radiotherapy on EC cells in combination with α-bisabolol.
(A) Clonogenic assays in RL95-2 and ECC001. The cells were treated with α-bisabolol (4 μmol/l), radiotherapy (4 Gy) or the combination of α-bisabolol and radiotherapy for 24 h, respectively, and then the colonies were measured. Three experiments were performed independently, and ±STDEV was shown with each value, **P<0.01. The viability rate (B), EC50 and LC50 (C) of RL95-2 and ECC001 are analyzed from three independent experiments of dose–response assays; ±STDEV was shown with each value. (D) Western blot analysis for MMP-9 and cyclin E protein in EC cells. GAPDH was used as the loading control. Three experiments were performed independently, and ±STDEV was shown with each value, *P<0.05 and **P<0.01.