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. 2019 Jun 11;8(6):giz062. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz062

Table 1:

A list of rules for all the agent types implemented in the hybrid model

Name of agent Agent type Rules
Helicobacter pylori H. pylori Moves across the epithelial cell border if near damaged epithelial layer; proliferates in the lumen and LP; dies in LP and in the lumen due to the damage of epithelial cells by Th1 or Th17 cells
Macrophages Monocyte Proliferates in presence of effector DCs or damaged epithelial cells; proliferates in the LP; differentiates to regulatory macrophage based on the output from the macrophage ODE; differentiates to inflammatory macrophages in presence of IFN-γ; dies naturally
Resident Proliferates in the presence of H. pylori; secretes IL-10; dies naturally; dies due to Th1 and Treg cells
Regulatory Proliferates and removes bacteria; dies; secretes IL-10
Inflammatory Proliferates in the presence of damaged epithelial cells; dies naturally
Dendritics Immature Moves from LP to epithelium compartment and from the epithelium to the LP; differentiates to tolerogenic DC in the presence of tolerogenic bacteria, both in epithelium and LP; differentiates to effector DC in the presence of H. pylori; proliferates in LP and GLN; dies naturally
Effector Moves from LP to GLN; moves from epithelium to LP; secretes IL-6 and IL-12; dies naturally
Tolerogenic Moves from LP to GLN; moves from epithelium to LP; secretes TGF-β; dies naturally
T cells Naive In the presence of effector DCs: differentiates to Th1 in the presence of IFN-γ or IL-12; differentiates to Th17 in the presences of IL-6 or TGF-β; in the presence of tolerogenic DCs: differentiates to iTreg in the presence of TGF-β; differentiates to Treg in the presences of IL-10; dies naturally
Th1 Secretes IFN-γ; moves from GLN to LP; proliferates in LP and GLN; dies naturally
Th17 Secretes IL-17; in the presence of tolerogenic DC, transitions to iTreg cells; moves from GLN to LP; proliferates in LP and GLN;dies naturally
iTreg Secretes IL-10; in the presence of tolerogenic DC, transitions to iTreg cells;moves from GLN to LP; proliferates in LP and GLN; dies naturally
Tr Secretes IL-10;dies naturally;proliferates in the LP
Epithelial Healthy Damaged by infectious bacteria;damaged by Th1 and Th17 cells; proliferates;secretes IL-6 and IL-12; dies naturally
Damaged Transitions to healthy state in the presence of IL-10; dies naturally
Bacteria Infectious Dies due to Th1 or Th17 or inflammatory macrophages or damaged epithelial cells;dies naturally;proliferates in the LP
Tolerogenic Moves from lumen to the epithelium in the presence of damaged epithelial cells;becomes infectious if moves in the LP compartment; proliferates in lumen and LP; dies naturally

Dies = is removed from the simulation; DC: dendritic cell; GLN: gastric lymph node; IFN-γ: interferon γ; IL: interleukin; iTreg: induced regulatory T cell; LP: lamina propria; TGF-β: transforming growth factor β; Th: T helper; Treg: regulatory T cell.