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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am Econ Rev. 2019 May;109(5):1684–1716. doi: 10.1257/aer.20151057

Table 3:

Preference and Nursing Home Objective Parameters

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
βsn: log(SN/Resident) 0.888 (0.009) 1.526 (0.748) 1.923 (0.808) 1.786 (0.821) 1.878 (0.844)
βhybp: Price*Hybrid −0.007 (0.000) −0.012 (0.002) −0.006 (0.002) −0.012 (0.002) −0.012 (0.002)
βprivp: Price*Private −0.011(0.001) −0.018 (0.004) −0.019 (0.004) −0.019 (0.004) −0.018 (0.004)

βcmisn: log(SN/Resident)*CMI 0.226 (0.003) 0.226 (0.003) 0.221 (0.003) 0.231 (0.003) 0.230 (0.003)
β1d: Distance in 100km −25.79 (0.014) −25.79 (0.014) −25.86 (0.014) −25.80 (0.014) −25.79 (0.014)
β2d: Distance2 22.45 (0.037) 22.45 (0.037) 22.47 (0.037) 22.44 (0.037) 22.42 (0.037)
β1th: Therapist/Res*Min −0.124 (0.001) −0.124 (0.001) −0.133 (0.001) −0.122 (0.001) −0.122 (0.001)
β2th: Therapist/Res*Min*Short-Stay 0.314 (0.007) 0.314 (0.007) 0.306 (0.008) 0.312 (0.007) 0.312 (0.007)
βalzalz: Alzheimer*Alzheimer Unit 0.414 (0.002) 0.414 (0.002) 0.419 (0.002) 0.413 (0.002) 0.413 (0.002)
ϑ: Occupancy< oc¯ 0.757 (0.002) 0.628 (0.002)
ϑhyb: Occupancy< oc¯ *Hybrid −0.027 (0.003) −0.088 (0.002)
ϑpriv: Occupancy< oc¯ *Private −0.044 (0.005) −0.058 (0.002)

1αNFPαNFP Non-Profit Objective Parameter 23.05 (0.944)
1αPubαpub Public Objective Parameter 36.14 (1.659)

Avg Benefit per SN/year $133,336 ($15,605) $139,607 ($72,999) $166,511 ($76,278) $154,711 ($76,513) $171,685 ($84,130)
Avg Wage+Fringe Benefits/SN $83,171 $83,171 $83,171 $83,171 $83,171

Benefit-Cost $50,165 ($15,605) $56,436 ($72,999) $83,340 ($76,278) $71,540 ($76,513) $88,514 ($84,130)

Cost Moments Y N N N N
Rationing N N 100% 97% 95%

Notes. The table displays the estimated preference and nursing home objective parameters. Column 1 shows the baseline parameter estimates that are identified off from demand and cost moments. Estimates in column 2 are derived from demand moments only. Column 3 presents estimates from a first-come-first-serve rationing model. Columns 4 and 5 allow for asymetric rationing by payer type when occupancy falls short of 97% and 95%, respectively. Average benefits as well as average wage and fringe benefits per SN are measured in 2002. Th/res, SN/res, and Min abbreviate therapists per resident, skilled nurses per resident, and rehabilitative care minutes respectively. Standard errors are displayed in parentheses.