Figure 1:
Type I error comparison between the Z-score based meta-analysis and our proposed CGF-Spline and Genotype Count (GC) methods where the phenotypes, non-genetic covariates and the genotypes are simulated as described in simulation study 1. Joint represents the joint analysis with the pooled data. The top and the bottom panels show empirical type I error rates at genome-wide significance levels α = 5 × 10−5 and α = 5 × 10−8, respectively. From left to right, the plots consider the within-study case-control ratios 1:1, 1:9 and 1:49, respectively. In each plot, the X-axis represents MAFs with expected MACs per study in parenthesis, and the Y-axis (in logarithmic scale) represents the empirical type I error rates. 95% confidence intervals at different MAFs are also presented.