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. 2019 Mar 1;54(1):44–48. doi: 10.14744/TurkPediatriArs.2019.60251

Table 3.

Radiologic imaging findings and foreign body localizations

Frequency Percentage
 Air trapping 44 50,6
 Normal 41 47.1
 Atelectasis 15 17.2
 Mediastinal shift 9 10.4
 Opacity 4 4.6
 Pneumothorax 2 2.3
Computed tomography 2 2,3
 Right main bronchus 27 31
 None 22 25.3
 Left main broncus 14 16.1
 Trachea 9 10.3
 Esophagus 6 6.9
 Both main bronchi 4 4.6
 Right main bronchus and trachea 3 3.4
 Insufficient information 2 2.3

PA-L: Postero-anterior lung radiography