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. 2019 Jun 10;201(13):e00195-19. doi: 10.1128/JB.00195-19


Strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant genotypea Reference
Escherichia coli
    S17-1 recA pro hsdR RP42Tc::MuKm::Tn7 integrated into the chromosome
    BW25113 K-12 wild type [Δ(araD-araB)567 ΔlacZ4787(::rrnB-3) λ rph-1 Δ(rhaD-rhaB)568 hsdR514]
        TXM327 lpp::Cmr 12
        TXM541 gut::Kanr-rrnB TT-araC-PBAD-lnt lnt::Sptr chiQ::Aprr 12
        KA707 TXM327 + pLmlit2 This study
        KA708 TXM327 + pEflit2 This study
        KA808 KA708 chiQ::Aprr lnt::Sptr This study
        KA811 KA808 + pKA810 This study
Listeria monocytogenes
    KA694 CFSAN023459 with plasmid CFSAN023459_02 (courtesy of Dwayne Roberson)
    KA738 KA694 Δlit2 This study
    KA834 KA834 + pPxylLmlit2 This study
    KA847 L2 ATCC 19115
    KA849 KA847 + pPxylLmlit2 This study
    KA1171 KA738 attB::pPL2 This study
    KA1178 KA738 attB::PpenLmCFSANlit2 This study
    KA1179 KA738 attB::PGram+LmCFSANlit2 This study
Enterococcus faecalis
    TXM465 ATCC 19433
    KA543 TXM465 Δlit1 12
    KA666 KA543 + pKA635 12
    KA693 TX1342 (courtesy of Barbara E. Murray)
    GKM744 KA543 Δlgt This study
    GKM760 TXM465 Δlgt This study
    pKFC Temperature-sensitive shuttle vector; Cmr
    pKFC (ts fix) Cmr This study
    pPxylLmlit2 pKFC (ts fixed)-PxylLmCFSANlit2; Cmr This study
    pKA635 pMS3535-lit1; Eryr 12
    pKA810 pCL25-E. coli lppK58A-Strep tag; Trimr This study
    plnt pUC19-E. coli lnt; Carr 12
    pEflit2 pUC19-E. faecalis TX1342 lit2; Carr This study
    pLmLit2 pUC19-L. monocytogenes CFSAN023459 lit2; Carr This study
    pPL2 Integration into Lm tRNAArg site; Cmr (courtesy of Richard Calendar) 60
    pTXM1170 pPL2-PpenLmCFSANlit2; Cmr This study
    PTXM1169 pPL2-PGram+LmCFSANlit2; Cmr This study

Km, kanamycin; Kanr, kanamycin resistance; Cmr, chloramphenicol resistance; Sptr, spectinomycin resistance; Aprr, apramycin resistance; Eryr, erythromycin resistance; Trimr, trimethoprim resistance; Carr, carbenicillin resistance.