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. 2019 Jun 7;12:4489–4498. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S202875

Table 2.

Treatment characteristics and efficacy

Author Year Microsphere Dosimetric calculation Follow-up (months) Median OS (months) 1-year survival Evaluation criteria Recist
Saxena et al26 2010 Resin BSA 8.1 9.3 40.0% RECIST 0 6 11 5
Mosconi et al25 2016 Resin BSA 16.0 17.9 67.9% RECIST 0 4 11 5
mRECIST 1 13 3 3
EASL 1 11 5 3
Rafi et al24 2013 Resin BSA 15.0 11.5 56.0% RECIST 0 2 13 4
Mouli et al23 2013 Glass N/A 29.0 N/A N/A WHO 0 11 33 1
EASL 4 28 - 0
Hoffmann et al22 2012 Resin BSA 10 22.0 N/A RECIST 0 12 17 5
Jia et al21 2017 Resin BSA 11.3d 9.0 32.6% mRECIST - 8 10 4
Soydal et al20 2016 Resin BSA 8.1 9.7 N/A RECIST - - - -
Swinburne et al19 2017 Resin/glass BSA; Othera 8.4d 9.1 N/A RECIST 0 3 16 7
Reimer et al18 2018 Resin BSA N/A 15.0 N/A RECIST 0 1 9 11
Orwat et al17 2017 Resin/glass BSA N/A 5.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Paprottka et al16 2017 Resin mBSA N/A 14.3 N/A RECIST N/A N/A N/A N/A
Gangi et al13 2018 Glass Otherb 9.8 12.0 49.0% RECIST 0 5 52 24
Filippi et al11 2015 Resin BSA N/A 17.0 N/A PERCIST 0 14 3 0
Beuzit et al12 2016 Glass N/A N/A 19.0 54.0% RECIST 0 6 32 7
Choi - 37 2 6
Shaker et al14 2018 Resin/glass N/A 21.3d 33.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Camacho et al15 2014 Resin BSA; otherc N/A 16.3 N/A RECIST 0 1 13 2
mRECIST 2 7 5 2
EASL 2 6 6 2

Notes: aTheraSphere dosimetry was calculated based upon a desired radiation treatment dose for a targeted portion of the liver. bDosimetry was calculated based on the treated liver volume, the administered activity, and the lung shunt fraction. cDosimetry was based on tumor volumetry and then adjusted by the pulmonary shunt fraction. dMean follow-up.

Abbreviations: RECIST, Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors; PERCIST, Positron Emission Tomography Response Criteria in Solid Tumors; mRECIST, modified RECIST; EASL, the European Association for the Study of the Liver; CR, complete response; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; PD, progressive disease; OS, overall survival; N/A, not available; BSA, body surface area.