Figure 6.
Examples of morphological characters in oat-maize additions. A, OMAd1.7, disomic addition of maize chromosome 1 causes an erect leaf phenotype; B, leaf blades of OMA2.1 and OMA4.1, the bluish color of the chromosome 2 addition (bottom blade) contrasts the lighter green color of the chromosome 4 addition (top blade); C, OMAd3.1 shows a crooked panicle (left) compared to the normal panicle of Sun II oat (right); D, OMAm5.17, branched stem with 5 branches (arrows); E, OMAd6.1, leaf blades with necrotic and chlorotic spots (disease lesion mimics); F, OMAd7.1, the stature is reduced, but very similar to GAF Park, the oat parent; G, OMAd9.1, chromosome 9 addition with EPS-syndrome; H, OMAm10.1, grassy type with heavy tillering in young plant age; I, OMAm10.1 after flowering, some tillers form stems with panicles, but the majority of tillers senesce at immature age.