Figure 1.
Mineral composition of exchangeable fraction of soils, and soil pH. (a) Site pair Miasteczko Śląskie (Mias) and Zakopane (Zapa), (b) Site pair Kletno (Klet) and Kowary (Kowa). Concentrations of elements were determined in 0.01 M BaCl2 extracts of soils collected in the field directly adjacent to roots of the plant individuals that we resequenced (see Methods). Concentrations (mg element kg−1 dry soil mass) were normalized to the global minimum per site pair across both species, and subsequently log10-transformed. Shown are the median (solid line), 10 and 90%iles (dashed lines), minimum and maximum (dotted lines) for each site per species (n = 5 to 9 plant individuals) for metalliferous (M, red) and non-metalliferous (NM, black) soils.