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. 2019 May 20;3:149. Originally published 2018 Nov 19. [Version 3] doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14863.3

Table 1. Characteristics of participants with creatinine results from Survey round 24 among a general population cohort in rural Uganda (N=5,979).

Variable Male, n (%) Female,
n (%)
Total, n (%)
Age Group
<35 1,033 (43.90) 1,703 (46.97) 2,736 (45.77)
35–44 460 (19.55) 721 (19.88) 1,181 (19.74)
45–54 378 (16.02) 507 (13.98) 884 (14.79)
55–64 244 (10.37) 336 (9.27) 580 (9.70)
65–74 138 (5.86) 231 (6.37) 369 (6.17)
75+ 101 (4.29) 128 (3.53) 229 (3.83)
Max Education
None 137 (5.82) 394 (10.87) 531 (8.88)
Primary 1,488 (63.24) 2,122 (58.52) 3,610 (60.38)
Secondary 570 (24.21) 946 (26.09) 1,516 (25.35)
Higher Level 158 (6.71) 164 (4.52) 322 (5.38)
Currently Married **
No 357 (20.62) 1,075 (36.68) 1,432 (30.72)
Yes 1,373 (79.36) 1,856 (63.32) 3,229 (69.28)
Urbanicity * 1
Quartile 1 513 (28.71) 756 (26.31) 1,259 (27.24)
Quartile 2 468 (26.19) 733 (25.86) 1,201 (25.98)
Quartile 3 436 (24.40) 697 (24.59) 1,133 (24.51)
Quartile 4 370 (20.71) 659 (23.25) 1,029 (22.26)
SES * 2
Lower 565 (35.76) 819 (32.79) 1,384 (33.94)
Middle 521 (33.04) 833 (33.35) 1,354 (33.23)
Upper 493 (31.20) 846 (33.87) 1,339 (32.83)
BMI 3 **
Normal weight 1,786 (76.47) 2,290 (65.84) 4,076 (70.11)
Underweight 407 (17.42) 302 (8.68) 709 (12.19)
Overweight 122 (5.22) 648 (18.63) 770 (13.24)
Obese 21 (0.90) 238 (6.84) 259 (4.45)
Blood Pressure * 4
Normal 668 (40.44) 1,235 (48.82) 1,903 (45.51)
Pre-Hypertension 719 (43.52) 944 (37.28) 1,663 (39.75)
Hypertension 265 (16.04) 352 (13.90) 617 (14.75)
HIV Status **
Negative 2,150 (91.57) 3,242 (89.51) 5,392 (90.32)
Positive 198 (8.43) 380 (10.49) 578 (9.68)
Hepatitis B *
Negative 1,588 (96.48) 2,479 (98.10) 4,067 (97.46)
Positive 58 (3.52) 48 (1.90) 106 (2.54)
Hepatitis C *
Negative 1,582 (96.17) 2,439 (96.52) 4,021 (96.38)
Positive 63 (3.83) 88 (3.48) 151 (3.62)
Anaemia * 5
Negative 1,078 (86.87) 1,583 (83.40) 2,661 (84.77)
Positive 163 (13.13) 315 (16.60) 478 (15.23)
Diabetes * 6
No 1,603 (97.74) 2,467 (97.94) 4,070 (97.53)
Yes 37 (2.26) 52 (2.06) 89 (2.14)
Current smoking status *
Not current smoker 1,301 (78.80) 2,478 (97.87) 3,779 (90.34)
Non-daily smoker 83 (5.03) 17 (0.67) 100 (2.39)
Daily smoker 267 (16.17) 37 (1.46) 304 (7.27)
Alcohol consumption *
Never drinkers 831 (54.64) 1,589 (69.27) 2,420 (63.43)
No alcohol in past
30 days
90 (5.92) 250 (10.90) 340 (8.91)
Alcohol in past
30 days
600 (39.45) 455 (19.83) 1,055 (27.65)

*Variables from a previous round (R22) of the GPC where total number of participants may vary: Urbanicity (n=4,622), SES (n=4,077), Blood Pressure (BP) (n=4,184), Hepatitis B (n=4,173), Hepatitis C (n=4,172), smoking status (n=4,183), alcohol consumption in the last 30 days (n=3,815), and anaemia (n=3,139). 1Urbanicity score derived from Riha et al. (2014). 2Socio-economic Score (SES) derived from conducting Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on a statistical software using variables relating to household infrastructure and property ownership 3Body Mass Index (BMI) Classification according to WHO (weight/height 2: kg/m 2): Underweight (<18.5 kg/m 2), Normal weight (18.5–24.99 kg/m 2), Overweight (25.0–29.99 kg/m 2), Obese (>30.0 kg/m 2). 4BP classification derived from the National Institute of Health guidelines: Pre-Hypertension was defined as having a systolic BP >120 mmHg but <140 mmHg, and a diastolic BP >80 mmHg but <90 mmHg. Hypertension was defined as having a systolic BP ≥90 mmHg, diastolic BP ≥140 mmHg. 5Anaemia was defined as having haemogloblin levels less than 130 g/L in men, 120 g/L in non-pregnant women, and 110 g/L in pregnant women. Only 2,064 individuals had anaemia results from the R24 of the GPC 6Diabetes was defined as having HbA1C >6.5%, or being previously diagnosed with diabetes, or are currently on treatment for diabetes. **Variables in R24 with missing individuals: Currently Married (n=4,661), BMI (n=5,814), HIV (n=5,970)