Table 6.
Project identifier | Design | Sample size | Intervention/duration | Outcome/time |
[59, 122] India | one group with multiple assessment pretest- posttest | 6 CBT | 20 psychoeducation, activity scheduling, cognitive restructuring, behavioral counseling, progressive muscular relaxation with biofeedback i.s. of 1 h |
Post-int ↓ symptoms ↓ depression ↓ anxiety |
[60] USA |
one group pretest-posttest design |
5 CBT + PMR | 12 adherence training, behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, progressive muscle relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing i.s. / 12 weeks |
Post-int ↑ adherence ↓ depression |
[61] India |
one group pretest-posttest pilot design |
30 JPMR | 10 Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation s. /10 weeks |
Post-int ↓ anxiety ↓ depression |
[121] USA | phenomenology | 24 PMRT + GI | 1 progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery i.s or g.s. of 30 min |
Post-int feeling satisfied, refreshed and peaceful |
relief muscle tension and stress | ||||
[62] Chine | Three group pretest-posttest design | 10 CBT |
12 cognitive restructuring, behavior change strategies, assertiveness skills, progressive muscle relaxation, home practice g.s. of 2 h /12 weeks |
Post-int & 6 month ↑ mood ↑ QoL ↑ CD4 |
10 PSC | 12 discussion by leaders, feelings, problems, fears and hopes g.s of 2 h /12 weeks | |||
26 CG | usual care | |||
[63, 123–127] USA | RCT | 14 CBSM | 20 cognitive restructuring, assertiveness skills, behavior change strategies, stress information, progressive muscle relaxation, imagery component g.s. of 45 min to 1 h30 + home practice /10 weeks |
Post-int CBSM et AE ↑ CD4 counts ↓ depression |
19 AE | 30 aerobic exercise g.s. of 45 min | |||
15 CG | usual care | |||
[64] USA | RCT | 27 CB/PMR | 8 cognitive and behavioral strategies, social support, progressive muscle relaxation g.s of 1 h30 + home practice /8 weeks |
Post-int CB/PMR and SSG ↓ depression ↓ hostility ↓ somatization SSG ↓ anxiety |
14 SSG | 8 social support group discussion g.s. of 1 h30 /8 weeks | |||
27 CI | crisis intervention | |||
[65] Netherlands | RCT | 8 CBT | 15 cognitive restructuring, behavior change strategies, assertiveness skills, stress management techniques and progressive muscle relaxation exercise of Bernstein & Borkovec g.s. of 2 h30 + 1 day 8-h + relaxation home practice /15 weeks |
Post-int CBT and ET ↓ depression ↑ mood |
6 ET | 15 group discussion by leaders and progressive muscle relaxation exercise of Bernstein & Borkovec g.s. of 2 h30 + 1 day 8-h + relaxation home practice /15 weeks | |||
6 WL | wait-lits | |||
[66] JAPAN | RCT | 6 PMR + AT | progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training /12 weeks |
Post-int PMR + AT and PSY: ↓ anxiety ↓ depression ↓ confusion ↓ fatigue |
6 PSY | supportive psychotherapy/ 12 weeks | |||
7 WL | waiting list | |||
[67] USA | adolescents | 12 Massage | 24 massage therapy i.s. of 20 min /12 weeks |
Post-int Massage ↓ depression ↑ immune function |
RCT | 12 PMR | 24 progressive relaxation routine Jacobson i.s. of 20 min /12 weeks |
CBT cognitive-behavioral group psychotherapy, i.s individual sessions, Post-int post intervention, PSC peer/support counseling, CG control group, g.s group sessions, QoL quality of life, CBT + PMR cognitive behavioral therapy and progressive muscle relaxation, JPMR Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation, s sessions, PMRT + GI progressive muscle relaxation training and guided imagery, RCT randomized control trial, CBSM cognitive behavioral stress management, AE aerobic exercise, CG control group, CB/PMR cognitive and behavioral strategies, social support, progressive muscle relaxation, SSG support social group, CI crisis intervention, ET experiential group psychotherapy, WL waiting-list control, PMR + AT progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training, PSY psychotherapy