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. 2019 Jun 11;19:125. doi: 10.1186/s12906-019-2502-z

Table 9.

Autogenic training, breathing and neurofeedback included studies

Project identifier Design Sample size Intervention/duration Outcome/time
[82] UK

one group pretest-post-test


50 AT 7 diet, nutrition, supplements, exercise, safer sex, recreational drugs, spiritual experiences, autogenic training g.s. of 2 h + autogenic exercises home practice /7 weeks

Post-int & 8 months

↑ quality of life

[83] USA

one group pretest-post-test

pilot design

13 SCGI 8 spirituality, mental and physical health, personal goals, relaxation breathing exercise g.s. of 1 h15 /8 weeks


↑ positive spiritual coping

↓ depression

[84, 134] USA RCT 10 NFB 32 neurofeedback i.s. of 20 min /16 weeks



↓ symptoms

↑ CD4+

10 HDCE 20 min daily cranial electrotherapy home practice /16 weeks
10 NFB+ HDCE 32 neurofeedback i.s. of 20 min + 20 min daily cranial electrotherapy home practice /16 weeks
10 WL wait list

AT autogenic training, g.s group sessions, Post-int post intervention, SCGI spiritual coping group intervention, RCT randomized control trial, NFB neurofeedback, HDCE home daily cranial electrotherapy, NFB + HDCE neurofeedback and home daily cranial electrotherapy, WL wait list, i.s individual sessions