Figure 4. Conduction slowing and its Restoration by intra-tracheal delivery of aerosolized AAV1.S2a.
A. Representative isochrone maps for Ctrl, MCT and MCT+S2a hearts. B. Rate-dependence of CV in CTRL (black, N=4), MCT (red, N=8), and MCT+S2a (blue, N=6). C. Comparison of the mean critical conduction velocity (CVc) across groups (left, N=4 CTRL, 8 MCT, 6 MCT+S2a), and between VT (+) and VT (−) hearts (right) (N=8 and N=10, respectively). *P <0.05, **P <0.005, ***P <0.0005, one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-test, † P MCT vs MCT+S2a <0.05, †† P MCT vs MCT+S2a <0.005.