Table 1.
Summary of study objectives, methods and expected outcomes for assessing the fidelity, impact of contextual factors and costs of implementing the ICDM model
Objective | Methods | Outcomes | |
Degree of fidelity assessment | To assess the degree of fidelity in the implementation of the ICDM model | Quantitative: fidelity evaluation in 16 ICDM model pilot PHC clinics using the fidelity criteria scoring checklist template. Data sources: key informant interviews, structured observations and review of facility records |
Degree of the ICDM model implementation fidelity for each activity and component of the ICDM model and overall scores by clinic and district |
Impact of contextual factors on ICDM fidelity | To evaluate the influence of contextual factors on the implementation fidelity of the ICDM model | Qualitative interviews with 30 HCW in four (two per district) facilities using structured interview guides and organisational culture survey. Quantitative data to assess association between contextual factors and degree of ICDM model fidelity |
Health workers’ perceptions of contextual factors that influence implementation fidelity of the ICDM model. Establish influence of contextual factors on the degree ICDM model implementation fidelity |
Costs of implementing the ICDM model | To estimate the implementation costs of the ICDM model | Ingredient approach to health system costs in four PHC clinics—two facilities per district using The WHO CostIt software 2007. Data sources: budgets, key informant interviews, direct observations and literature search. Annualise capital costs Adjust all costs for inflation and discount Develop a cost profile for providing each component of the ICDM model |
The cost of implementing each of the components of the ICDM model. Sensitivity analysis to determine cost drivers in the implementation of the ICDM model. |
ICDM, Integrated Chronic Disease Management; PHC, primary healthcare.