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. 2019 Apr 8;11(4):e4407. doi: 10.7759/cureus.4407

Table 1. Clinical profile.

M: Male; F: Female; BE: Both eyes; RE: Right eye; LE: Left eye; BOV: Blurring of vision; HM: Hand movement; PL: Perception of light; CF: Counting fingers; NPL: No perception of light; NA: Not available. Color vision based on Ishihara Color chart.

No Age Gender Ocular symptoms Systemic symptoms Duration (Months) Presenting visual acuity Final visual acuity Relative afferent pupillary defect Ocular motility Funduscopy Optic nerve function test
Red saturation Light brightness Color vision
1 11 M BE BOV Color defect Clumsiness 7 6/6 HM PL HM Positive Normal LE disc pale 100 10 100 20 15/15 0/15
2 8 F Nil Headache, recurrent vomiting, nocturnal enuresis 36 PL 6/12 PL 6/6 Positive Normal BE discs pale 0 100 50 100 0/15 15/15
3 10 M Nil Seizure fever 1 6/7.5 6/9 HM NPL Positive Normal BE discs temporal pallor NA NA NA
4 6 F Nil Frontal headache, recurrent vomiting, loss of weight and loss of appetite 24 6/7.5 6/9 6/7.5 6/9 Negative Normal Normal NA NA NA
5 16 F RE BOV LE squint diplopia Headache giddiness 72 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 Negative Limited LE abduction Normal 100 100 100 100 15/15 15/15
6 9 F BE BOV Headache, recurrent vomiting 5 6/120 CF 6/120 HM Equivocal Limited BE abduction BE discs pale 100 50 100 50 NA
7 3 M Nil Recurrent vomiting, left-sided body weakness, limping gait 4 6/24 6/15 6/7.5 PL Positive Normal Normal NA NA NA
8 7 M RE BOV BE squint Headache, recurrent vomiting 1 HM 6/9 NPL 6/7.5 Positive Normal BE discs pale NA NA NA
9 5 M Nil Frontal headache 24 6/6 6/6 6/7.5 6/12 Negative Normal BE papilledema 100 100 100 70 12/15 14/15
10 14 M Nil Headache, recurrent vomiting 12 NPL 6/9 NPL 6/9 Positive Normal BE discs pale NA NA NA
11 15 M Nil Headache, recurrent vomiting 60 6/36 6/9 6/24 6/12 Negative Normal Normal NA NA NA