Question (number responding)
Completely Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Completely Agree
Do you feel that you are valued by your institution? N=76
8 (10.5%)
7 (9.2%)
13 (17.1%)
23 (30.3%)
25 (32.9%)
Do you feel that you are valued by your department? N=77
1 (1.3%)
8 (10.4%)
8 (10.4%)
32 (41.6%)
28 (32.9%)
Do you feel that you are valued by your chairperson? N=76
2 (2.6%)
6 (7.9%)
9 (11.8%)
22 (28.9%)
37 (48.7%)
Do you feel that you are valued by your program director? N=77
0 (0.0%)
5 (6.5%)
2 (2.6%)
18 (23.4%)
52 (67.5%)
Do you feel that you are valued by other faculty? N=77
2 (2.6%)
7 (9.1%)
20 (26.0%)
28 (36.4%)
20 (26.0%)
Do you feel that you are valued by fellows? N=67
0 (0.0%)
4 (6.0%)
22 (32.8%)
17 (25.4%)
24 (35.8%)
Do you feel that you are valued by residents? N=77
0 (0.0%)
3 (3.9%)
9 (11.7%)
20 (26.0%)
45 (58.4%)
Do you feel that you are valued by other staff? N=75
4 (5.3%)
9 (12.0%)
20 (26.7%)
25 (33.3%)
17 (22.7%)
Is there a career path for advancement at your department?
15 (19.2%)
63 (80.8%)
Is there an institutional committee for organizing program coordinators/administrators?
60 (76.9%)
18 (23.1%)
Has the institution been responsive to feedback for improving the role and jobs of program coordinators/administrators?
38 (48.7%)
40 (51.3%)
Has the department been responsive to feedback for improving the role and jobs of program coordinators/administrators?
39 (50.0%)
39 (50.0%)