Effects of EGF Stimulation on 39 Kinases and Phosphatases
(A) Heatmap of signed-BP-R2 scores for measured signaling relationships over a 1-h EGF stimulation time course. Six identified groups of kinases and phosphatases are labeled in color codes.
(B) For one representative POI from each group, signaling relationships to all measured phosphorylation sites, as quantified by signed-BP-R2, are shown in the literature-guided canonical signaling network map.
(C–G) Violin plots show cell distribution in each of 10 bins based on GFP-tagged POI expression levels (see STAR Methods) for EGFR-GFP to p-ERK1/2 (C), DUSP4-GFP to p-ERK1/2 (D), PTPN2-GFP to p-ERK1/2 (E), DUSP4-GFP to p-MEK1/2 (F), and PTPN2-GFP to p-MEK1/2 (G) over the 1-h EGF stimulation time course. Medians of all 10 bins are connected to indicate the shape of signaling relationships (black lines), with the relationship strength quantified by signed-BP-R2, as shown on top of each individual plot. In the plot on the far right, medians of each bin are connected over the time course to demonstrate the POI abundance-dependent signaling trajectories.
(H) Schematic illustration of how two sets of phosphatases induce different abundance-dependent influences on the signaling dynamics of the MAPK-ERK cascade.