Figure 4.
Human rA1M protects kidney function but no effect on cardiac hypertrophy. (a) Albumin/Creatinine ratio (ACR) analysis of urine from pregnant females showed an increase of ACR at late-gestation in the preeclamptic females, which was absent in the rA1M-treated group. Shown is the mean ACR normalised to Ctrl-buff values for each gestation period, and n = number of females analysed. (b) Gene expression levels for HO-1, CAT and SOD2, normalised to the HPRT-gene levels in kidney from PE-buff and PE-A1M females, demonstrating significant reduction of HO-1 and CAT expression (*p = 0.04; **p = 0.04) after rA1M-treatment. The line represents the median and n = number of females analysed. (c) Preeclamptic females showed increased heart weight compared to Ctrl-buff at 17.5 dpc (*p = 0.002), which could not be alleviated by rA1M treatment (PE-A1M vs Ctrl-buff; **p = 0.008). Control groups showed similar heart weight as non-pregnant females. The line represents the median and n = number of females analysed.