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. 2019 May 7;17(5):271. doi: 10.3390/md17050271

Table 1.

Protonated ion masses of microcystin (MC) variants from Phormidium sp. LP904c and their relative amounts (%) identified from either Phormidium sp. LP904c or DVL1003c by HPLC-ESI-ITMS. Peak areas of the extracted ion chromatograms of the protonated microcystins were used in relative amount calculations. Hty = homotyrosine, Hph = homophenylalanine, [M + H]+ (m/z) = mass per charge value of protonated microcystins, Rt (min) = retention time in minutes, RA = relative amount, Aa = amino acid. Additional information presented in Figure S1.

No. Microcystin Aa in Position Rt [M + H]+ (m/z) Error RA (%)
X Z (min) Calculated Measured (ppm) LP904c DVL1003c
1 MC-YR Y R 15.4 1045.5353 1045.5329 –2.35 <1 <1
2 MC-HtyR Hty R 15.8 1059.5510 1059.5510 –0.01 4 4
3 MC-MR M R 15.8 1013.5125 1013.5148 2.26 1 1
4 [DMAdda5]MC-LR L R 15.8 981.5404 981.5404 –0.04 <1 <1
5 [L-MeSer7]MC-LR L R 16.6 1013.5666 1013.5649 –1.73 <1 <1
6 [D-Asp3]MC-LR L R 17 981.5404 981.5404 –0.04 <1 <1
7 MC-LR L R 17 995.5560 995.5566 0.51 55 49
8 MC-FR F R 17.3 1029.5404 1029.5401 –0.33 9 7
9 [Dha7]MC-LR L R 17.5 981.5404 981.5404 –0.04 <1 <1
10 MC-HphR Hph R 18.7 1043.5560 1043.5561 0.01 17 14
11 MC-LY L Y 22.8 1002.5183 1002.5178 –0.51 1 2
12 MC-LHty L Hty 23.2 1016.5339 1016.5347 0.73 5 12
13 MC-HphHty Hph Hty 24.3 1064.5339 1064.5337 –0.24 3 8
14 MC-LW L W 24.6 1025.5342 1025.5343 0.00 <1 <1
15 MC-LHph L Hph 26.7 1000.5390 1000.5369 –2.15 <1 1
16 MC-HphHph Hph Hph 27.7 1048.5390 1048.5403 1.20 <1 <1