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. 2019 May 22;9(5):56. doi: 10.3390/bs9050056

Table 4.

Basic characteristic of the participants in the online survey and their child as well as the screen equipment (home, bedroom of the child).

Parents Children Screen Equipment
Age Years Age Years At Home N = 327 %
m 42.2 m 10.94 TV (I) 163 49.8
range 26–70 range 3–17 TV 205 62.7
Gender N = 327 % Gender N = 327 % Games console (I) 124 37.9
female 290 88.7 female 58 17.7 Games console 97 29.7
male 27 11.3 male 269 82.3 DVD-player 251 76.8
Current work situation N = 318 % Diagnosis N = 327 % Computer (I) 309 94.5
working part-time or by the hour 156 49.1 Asperger Syndrome 167 51.1 Computer 32 9.8
housewife/-husband 60 18.9 Atypical Autism 111 33.9 Tablet (I) 239 73.1
working full time 55 17.3 Infantile Autism 49 15.0 Tablet 29 8.9
not working (e.g., student) 18 5.7 Further diagnosis (e.g., ADHD) N = 327 % Bedroom of the child N = 327 %
temporary release (parental leave etc.) 14 4.4 no devices 181 55.4
no 259 79.2 TV (I) 11 3.4
unemployed 11 3.5 yes 68 20.8 TV 49 15.0
apprentice 4 1.3 Current use of medication N = 327 % Games console (I) 34 10.4
marital status N = 327 % no 233 71.3 Games console 18 5.5
living with partner 273 83.5 yes 94 28.7 DVD-player 25 7.6
living alone 54 16.5 Verbal communication (≥4 years) N = 320 % Computer (I) 72 22.0
Computer 8 2.4
no 26 15.4 Tablet (I) 67 20.5
yes 294 84.6 Tablet 8 2.4

Note. (I) with internet.