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. 2019 May 22;11(5):288. doi: 10.3390/toxins11050288

Table A1.

Product ion data for the microginin type peptides. Masses are given in Dalton rounded to the nearest integer. X1′ indicates core fragment of Ahda after abstraction of the side chain (m = 58 Da). Leucine and isoleucine cannot be distinguished from the LC-MS/MS data, these amino acids have been deduced from the nearest literary results.

Compound [M + H]+ m/z RT min Amino Acid Sequence X1-X2-X3-X4 -H2O X1’-X2-X3-X4 -H2O X1-X2-X3 -H2O X1’-X2-X3 -H2O X1-X2
MG 565 565.5 6.1 Ahda-Thr-Pro-Tyr 384 366 257 239 287
MG 549 549.5 6.2 Ahda-Ala-MePro-Tyr 368 nd 241 nd 257
MG 579 579.6 6.4 MeAhda-Thr-Pro-Tyr 398 380 257 239 301
MG 579 579.6 6.3 Ahda-Thr-MePro-Tyr 398 380 271 253 287
MG 581 581.5 5.5 Ahda-Thr-Pro-OHTyr 384 366 257 239 287
MG 595 595.5 5.7 Ahda-Thr-MePro-OHTyr 398 380 271 253 287
MG FR3 728.6 6.3 Ahda-Thr-Pro-Tyr-Tyr 547 529 420 402 384 366 257 239 287
MG 712 712.6 6.4 Ahda-Ala-MePro-Tyr-Tyr 531 513 404 nd 368 350 241 223 257
MG FR4 742.6 6.6 MeAhda-Thr-Pro-Tyr-Tyr 561 543 420 nd 398 380 257 239 301
MG 744 744.6 6 Ahda-Thr-Pro-OHTyr-Tyr 547 529 nd nd 384 366 257 239 287
MG 754 754.6 6.7 Ahda-Leu-Pro-Hty-Tyr 573 nd 446 nd 396 nd 269 252 299
MG 607 607.5 6.4 Ahda-Leu-MeVal-Hty 412 394 285 267 299
MG 621 621.6 6.4 MeAhda-Leu-MeVal-Hty 426 408 285 267 313
MG 591 591.5 7.4 MeAhda-Leu-MeVal-Phe 426 408 285 267 313
MG 770 770.6 6.7 Ahda-Leu-MeVal-Hty-Tyr 589 571 462 444 412 394 285 267 299
MG 784 784.6 6.7 MeAhda-Leu-MeVal-Hty-Tyr 603 585 462 nd 426 408 285 267 313
MG 798 798.6 7 Ahda-Leu-MeLeu-Hty-Tyr 617 599 476 458 440 422 299 281 313