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. 2019 Jun 7;2(6):e195614. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.5614

Table 2. Selected Outcome Summary of 23 Studies in the Systematic Review.

Source; Country Temperament Style Temperament Scale Temperament Assessment Time Point Anxiety Scale Anxiety Assessment Time Point Outcome Summary
Carson et al,29 1991; United States Activity level, predictability, approach-withdrawal, adaptability to change, intensity of reaction, threshold of responsiveness, quality of mood, distractibility, and attention span/persistence; scores allowed for the creation of 4 subgroups: easy, difficult, slow to warm up, and intermediate (undifferentiated) BSQ, MCTQ 7-10 d before surgery PPRS Soon after surgery Higher predictability (r = −0.43), approach-withdrawal (r = −0.54), adaptability to change (r = −0.42), distractibility (r = 0.60), lower negative mood (r = −0.42), and lower response threshold (r = 0.50) were significantly associated with less distress during hospital procedures and better in-hospital adjustment; intensity of reaction was positively associated with in-hospital adjustment (F = 11.48; R2 = .14; P < .001; β = 0.42; t = 3.14; P < .01)
Chow et al,48 2017; Canada Shyness, sociability, emotionality, activity, attention span/persistence, and soothability CCTI Preoperative clinic visit approximately 1 wk before surgery CPMAS Preoperative clinic visit approximately 1 wk before surgery and same-day surgery holding area immediately before surgery Temperamental shyness was associated with lower preoperative anxiety at clinical visit (β = −10.78; P = .03) and in same-day surgery holding area (β = −12.31; P = .03)
Davidson et al,53 2006; Australia Easy or difficult temperament STST, SATI Day of surgery mYPAS Immediately before anesthetic induction No association of temperament style with anxiety
Fernandes and Arriaga,30 2010; Portugal Emotionality, activity, sociability, and shyness EAS-TS Day of surgery CSWQ, SAM Preoperative holding area (CSWQ, SAM) and postoperative (SAM) Higher emotionality was significantly associated with greater worries about surgery (r = 0.25); more sociable patients were significantly associated with higher preoperative positive affect (r = 0.29)
Fernandes et al,31 2014; Portugal Emotionality, activity, sociability, and shyness EAS-P Day of surgery CSWQ (global preoperative worries only), SAM Preintervention (SAM), postintervention (SAM, CSWQ), after surgery (SAM) Emotionality was significantly associated with global worries (r = 0.21); other temperament dimensions were not significantly associated with preoperative worry: shyness (r = 0.08), activity (r = −0.10), and sociability (r = −0.01)
Fernandes et al,32 2015; Portugal Emotionality, activity, sociability, and shyness EAS-P Day of surgery CSWQ, SAM Preintervention (SAM), postintervention (CSWQ, SAM) Lower activity was significantly associated with global worries (r = −0.28); increased emotionality, lower shyness, and lower activity were significantly associated with higher hospitalization worries (emotionality: r = 0.25; shyness: r = −0.24; activity: r = −0.44); higher emotionality and lower activity were significantly associated with greater illness worries (emotionality: r = 0.27; activity: r = −0.21); activity levels were significantly associated with worries about surgery (β = −0.231; t = −3.042; P = .003)
Finley et al,33 2006; Canada Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI 1 wk before surgery mYPAS without parent rating Predrug administration (90 min before surgery), 20 min after drug administration (40 min before surgery), and at anesthetic induction In midazolam group, there was a significant positive association of anxiety at anesthetic induction with the impulsivity dimension (r = 0.42)
Fortier et al,52 2009; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, impulsivity, and avoidant temperament EASI, CDI (avoidant temperament) Day of surgery STAI-CH Preoperative holding area Association of EASI with anxiety not investigated; association of avoidance with anxiety was not significant; bivariate correlations showed that state anxiety was negatively correlated with avoidance (r = −0.22; P = .02); however, analysis of variance of patients who were highly avoidant (ie, upper 25%) and not avoidant (ie, lower 25%) showed that mean differences for state anxiety between the 2 groups was not significant (F1,116 = 2.96; P = .08)
Fortier et al,47 2010; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, impulsivity, internalizing problems, and externalizing problems EASI, CBCL 7-10 d before surgery mYPAS, VAS, NRS Preoperative holding area (mYPAS, VAS); parental separation (mYPAS, VAS); OR entrance (mYPAS, VAS); introduction to anesthesia mask (mYPAS, VAS); arrival to recovery (VAS); 6 h, 12 h, 18 h, and 24 h in recovery (VAS); 2 d, 3 d, 7 d, and 14 d after operation (NRS) Low child sociability was significantly associated with perioperative anxiety (β = −0.57; SE, 0.21; odds ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.37-0.85; P = .007); patients in the high-anxiety group (1 SD above mean perioperative anxiety score) were associated with lower sociability than patients in the low-anxiety group (high-anxiety group mean [SD] EASI sociability score, 18.1 [2.7]; low-anxiety group mean [SD] EASI sociability score, 19.6 [2.1]; P = .03)
Fortier et al,50 2011; United States Activation/control, affiliation, attention, fear, frustration, inhibitory control, shyness, aggression, depressive mood, surgency, anxious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed, somatic complaints, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, rule-breaking behavior, aggressive behavior, internalizing problems, and externalizing problems EATQ-R-P, CBCL/6-18 In preoperative holding area or OR prior to surgery VAS, ECG, SCL, BP Preoperative holding area (VAS, BP, ECG, SCL), parental separation (VAS), introduction to anesthesia mask (VAS, BP, ECG, SCL) High preoperative anxiety assessed by the VAS was associated with internalizing behavior (F1,47 = 4.5; P = .04), somatic complaints (F1,49 = 4.0; P = .05), and fear (F1,50 = 5.2; P = .03)
Glazebrook et al,21 1994; England Activity level, predictability, approach-withdrawal, adaptability to change, intensity of reaction, threshold of responsiveness, quality of mood, distractibility, attention span/persistence, and normal vs extreme behavior TS, BQ (normal vs extreme behavior) Day before surgery OSBD OR OSBD distress associated with extreme behavior (r = 0.88), intensity of reaction (r = 0.32), withdrawal (r = 0.28); intensity of reaction was associated with distress (R2 for model = 0.21; F2,47 = 6.2); patients in the high-distress group (scoring 4 or greater on OSBD distress scale) scored significantly higher on intensity of reaction (z = 2.47) and withdrawal (z = 2.22)
Kain et al,5 1996; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI Day of surgery CARS, VAS, VPT Preoperative holding area (VPT, VAS), parental separation (VAS, CARS) Low activity scores were significantly associated with high child anxiety (r = −0.37) in preoperative waiting room (R2 = 0.11; F = 6.1) and at separation to the OR (R2 = 0.18; F = 12.3)
Kain et al,22 1996; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI 1 wk before surgery VAS, YPAS, CARS, cortisol analysis Preoperative holding area (VAS), OR entrance (YPAS, CARS), introduction of anesthesia mask (YPAS, CARS), after induction (cortisol analysis) Activity dimension interacted with parental presence and was associated with child anxiety, as measured by serum cortisol (t = 2.54; P = .01; R2 = 0.15)
Kain et al,45 1996; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI 1-2 d before surgery VAS, VPT, CARS Preoperative holding area (VAS, VPT), parental separation (VAS, CARS) Activity was significantly associated with child anxiety in preoperative holding area; emotionally labile patients (upper quartile of EASI emotionality scale) who received a behavioral preparation program were associated with more anxiety than emotionally stable patients (lower quartile of EASI emotionality scale) in preoperative holding area (upper-quartile group mean [SD] VAS score, 51 [16]; lower-quartile group mean [SD] VAS score, 34 [19]; P = .03) and on separation to the OR (upper-quartile group mean [SD] VAS score, 41 [19]; lower-quartile group mean [SD] VAS score, 13 [8]; P = .01)
Kain et al,34 2000; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI 1 wk prior to surgery mYPAS Preoperative holding area, OR entrance, introduction of anesthesia mask Lower activity (r = −0.21) and lower sociability (r = −0.33) were significantly associated with high perioperative anxiety; child sociability was an independent risk factor for perioperative anxiety (R2 = 0.38; F = 5.5; P = .04)
Kain et al,7 2004; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI NS mYPAS Preoperative holding area, OR entrance, introduction of anesthesia mask Compared with children at low risk, children at high risk (those with emergence delirium and intense preoperative anxiety or postoperative maladaptive behaviors) were associated with higher emotionality (high-risk group mean [SD] EASI emotionality score, 11.5 [3.4]; low-risk group mean [SD] EASI emotionality score, 10.2 [3.6]; P = .03), more activity (high-risk group mean [SD] EASI activity score, 17.0 [4.5]; low-risk group mean [SD] EASI activity score, 15.2 [4.2]; P = .02), and less sociability (high-risk group mean [SD] EASI sociability score, 17.7 [3.4]; low-risk group mean [SD] EASI socialiability score, 18.8 [2.8]; P = .01)
Kain et al,46 2006; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI 7-10 d before surgery mYPAS Preoperative holding area, introduction of anesthesia mask No difference in temperament styles between the high-anxiety and low-anxiety groups
Kain et al,51 2006; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI Day of surgery mYPAS Preoperative holding area, introduction of anesthesia mask Compared with the low-anxiety group, the high-anxiety group (upper quartile of mYPAS score during induction) was associated with higher activity (high-anxiety group mean [SD] EASI activity score, 17.8 [3.9]; low-anxiety group mean [SD] EASI activity score, 15.6 [3.9]; P = .001) and impulsivity levels (high-anxiety group mean [SD] EASI impulsivity score, 13.9 [3.6]; low-anxiety group mean [SD] EASI impulsivity score, 12.5 [3.7]; P = .005); activity dimension was associated with anxiety at anesthetic induction while parent was present (R2 change = 0.016; P = .007)
Kain et al,35 2007; United States Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI Day before surgery mYPAS Preoperative holding area, separation to the OR, OR entrance, introduction of anesthesia mask EASI emotionality was significantly associated with child anxiety at induction (ρ = 0.174); logistic regression model found emotionality to be a significant predictor of preoperative anxiety (β = 0.209; SE, 0.06; Wald χ2 = 11.89; P = .001); patients who did not respond to midazolam scored higher on the EASI emotionality subscale than patients who did respond (nonresponder mean [SD] EASI emotionality score, 13.6 [3.6]; responder mean [SD] EASI emotionality score, 11.3 [3.8]; P = .001)
MacLaren and Kain,36 2008; United States Emotionality, activity, and sociability EASI 5-7 d Before surgery mYPAS Preoperative holding area, OR entrance No correlation was found between child anxiety at induction and sociability (r = 0.09); association of other temperament dimensions and anxiety was not assessed
Quinonez et al,49 1997; Canada Emotionality, activity, sociability, and shyness EAS-TS Prior to OR on day of surgery MBPRS-R, Frankl Scale Prior to OR (ie, in playroom), en route to OR, parental separation, postseparation/anesthetic induction Shyness was significantly associated with state anxiety (disruptive behavior, as measured by MBPRS-R) during preseparation (R2 = 0.16; F = 9.23; P = .004) and separation of the child from the parent at the entry of the OR (R2 = 0.10; F = 5.12; P = .03)
Wight et al,23 2013; Canada Emotionality, activity, sociability, impulsivity; anxiety-shyness, and hyperactivity-impulsivity EASI; CPRS-R: L Prior to day of surgery mYPAS Introduction of anesthesia mask CPRS-R:L anxiety-shyness subscale was significantly associated with preoperative anxiety at anesthetic induction (r = 0.24)
Wright et al,37 2017; Canada Emotionality, activity, sociability, and impulsivity EASI Prior to day of surgery mYPAS Admission, day surgery unit, OR entrance, introduction of anesthesia mask No significant association of temperament dimensions and child preoperative anxiety

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; BQ, Scaife and Campbell behavioral questionnaire; BSQ, Behavioral Style Questionnaire; CARS, Clinical Anxiety Rating Scale; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; CBCL/6-18, Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6-18; CCTI, Colorado Child Temperament Inventory; CDI, children’s desire for information; CPMAS, Children’s Perioperative Multidimensional Anxiety Scale; CPRS-R:L, Conners Parent Rating Scale–Revised, long form; CSWQ, Child Surgery Worries Questionnaire; EASI, Emotionality Activity Sociability and Impulsivity inventory; EAS-P and EAS-TS, Emotionality Activity Sociability temperament survey; EATQ-R-P, Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire Revised–parent version; ECG, electrocardiography; MBPRS-R, Melamed Behavior Profile Rating Scale–Revised; MCTQ, Middle Childhood Temperament Questionnaire; mYPAS, modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale; NRS, numeric rating scale; NS, not specified; OR, operating room; OSBD, Observational Scale Of Behavioral Distress; PPRS, Pediatric Patient Rating Scale; SAM, self-assessment mannequin; SATI, School Age Temperament Inventory; SCL, skin conductance level; STAI-CH, State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children; STST, Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers; TS, temperament scale; VAS, visual analog scale; VPT, Venham Picture test; YPAS, Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale.