Right: intron/exon diagram of the 10 LRR genes containing the twelve 90-bp exons (shown in red) that share between 88 and 90 identical nucleotides. Listed above each gene: MIC chromosome location. L or R indicates the left or right arm of chromosome. Left: a maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based exclusively on these twelve 90-bp exons. Note that (a) this is the largest group of nearly identical 90-bp exons and (b) TTHERM_001443819 and TTHERM_00001659049 both have 2 exons that belong to this group. Identical 90-bp exons share the same symbol: yellow asterisk (*) or number sign (#). chr3, Chromosome 3; LRR, leucine-rich repeat; MIC, micronucleus; mid-arm, near the middle of chromosome arms; NA, not available (the gene is located in still unassembled region of MIC genome); pCen, pericentromeric region.