Figure 12.
Two separated actin-binding sites are predicted to be on the surface of the EF1α molecule. The amino acid residues of the two actin-binding sites were displayed on a three-dimensional model of Dictyostelium EF1α that was constructed previously (Liu et al., 1996b). The three domains of the EF1α are assigned with blue for I, purple for II, and yellow for III. The N-terminal actin-binding site is assigned with red (for only those residues exposed on the surface: amino acids 1–10 and 33–49). The majority of the C-terminal actin-binding sites is on the surface and is in green. Left, a ribbon model and the three domains are displayed in a commonly used face. Right, an atomic model that is turned 180 degrees from the ribbon model on the right to clearly show the positions of the actin-binding sites.