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. 2019 Jun 11;6(3):ENEURO.0190-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0190-19.2019

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Results when measuring the dynamics of the change in pitch or Δ(Pitch) during washout by subtracting out the pitch change on the last day of shift through the washout period. A, Δ(Pitch) during washout for lesioned no shift birds (N = 5 birds). B, The same analysis as in A for unlesioned birds subjected to ±1 semitone shift (N = 3 birds each). C, The same analysis as in A for lesioned birds subjected to ±1 semitone shift (N = 2 birds each). The * and N.S. refer to a significant difference versus not, respectively, for each group compared to zero over the last 2 d of washout.