Optogenetic stimulation in striatal target areas of NeuroD6 and Calb2 VTA neurons reveals glutamatergic postsynaptic responses. A, Representative picture from patch-clamp slice electrophysiology in NAcSh of NEX-Cre mice and OT of Calb2-Cre mice injected with DIO-ChR2-eYFP. B, Representative traces of photostimulation-evoked postsynaptic currents recorded from NAcSh cells from NEX-Cre and OT cells from Calb2-Cre mice injected with DIO-ChR2-eYFP. C, Pie charts represent the percentage of cells showing EPSCs (white) versus negative (black) upon photostimulation of terminals in the NAcSh (N = 18 cells from four mice) of NEX-Cre mice, and OT (N = 14 cells from 4 mice) of Calb2-Cre mice. The y-axis shows amplitude in pA; each circle represents one cell, and bold lines the mean amplitude ± SEM. D, Patch-clamp recordings pre-bath (control) and post-bath application of DNQX upon photostimulation in NAcSh of NEX-Cre/ChR2 (left, N = 6 cells from three mice) and OT of Calb2-Cre/ChR2 mice (right, N = 5 cells from three mice). Each circle represents one cell (*p < 0.05 control vs DNQX). NAcSh, nucleus accumbens shell; OT, olfactory tubercle. Calb2, Calbindin 2 (Calretinin); NEX; NeuroD6; ChR2; Channelrhodopsin 2; eYFP, enhanced Yellow fluorescent protein.