Figure 4.
The size range of potentially interconnected fractures are represented by the plateau stage of the curve, where present, for all the identified clusters of LEHAF (a). Where the slope breaks after the plateau the LEHAF distribution ceases to be fractal. The corresponding log(l) value represents the maximum thickness of the fractured medium that connects the surface to the subsurface (Uco). (b) The distribution of LEHAF compared to a Power Law (solid line) for values between Lco and Uco. The goodness of the Uco value picked in the previous graph is tested. A fractal distribution should follow a Power Law. Where data matches the solid line the distribution of LEHAF/fractures is fractal. l: fracture length [m]; C(l): correlation integral defines the correlation between point at a distance lower than l; Local Slope: represents the ΔLog (C(l))/ΔLog(l) ratio].