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. 2019 Feb 11;96(3):367–378. doi: 10.1007/s11524-019-00349-1

Table 2.

Summary of interview themes

Level of influence Theme Implications for expanding PBN
Individual Helplessness and fear For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with empowerment
Naloxone as empowerment to help For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with empowerment
Past experiences at the pharmacy Training for pharmacy staff to include how to reduce perception of judgment
Interpersonal Concern for family and friends For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with community resilience and caretaking actions
Sources of harm reduction information

Harm reduction materials aimed at family and friends of PWUD

For pain patients, information about co-prescribed naloxone from prescribers

Pharmacy Perceive stigma from pharmacists Training for pharmacists to include how to reduce perception of judgment as well as information about who has access to record of naloxone purchase
Confusion at the pharmacy counter Clear protocols for pharmacy team members on how to provide naloxone (i.e., packaging, counseling, billing, stocking).
Receptive to offer of naloxone from pharmacists Training for pharmacists on when and how to offer naloxone universally and objectively
Community Community caretaking For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with community resilience
Need for education and training Education and training around overdose prevention more widespread in the community
Society Generational crisis Clear and visible pharmacy policies about naloxone posted in the pharmacy
Frustration at lack of response to opioid crisis Increasing access to naloxone throughout the community beyond the pharmacy setting