Table 2.
Summary of interview themes
Level of influence | Theme | Implications for expanding PBN |
Individual | Helplessness and fear | For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with empowerment |
Naloxone as empowerment to help | For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with empowerment | |
Past experiences at the pharmacy | Training for pharmacy staff to include how to reduce perception of judgment | |
Interpersonal | Concern for family and friends | For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with community resilience and caretaking actions |
Sources of harm reduction information |
Harm reduction materials aimed at family and friends of PWUD For pain patients, information about co-prescribed naloxone from prescribers |
Pharmacy | Perceive stigma from pharmacists | Training for pharmacists to include how to reduce perception of judgment as well as information about who has access to record of naloxone purchase |
Confusion at the pharmacy counter | Clear protocols for pharmacy team members on how to provide naloxone (i.e., packaging, counseling, billing, stocking). | |
Receptive to offer of naloxone from pharmacists | Training for pharmacists on when and how to offer naloxone universally and objectively | |
Community | Community caretaking | For PWUD, posters and fliers associated with community resilience |
Need for education and training | Education and training around overdose prevention more widespread in the community | |
Society | Generational crisis | Clear and visible pharmacy policies about naloxone posted in the pharmacy |
Frustration at lack of response to opioid crisis | Increasing access to naloxone throughout the community beyond the pharmacy setting |